Book 1 in the Article Tales series is now available.
Meeki’s Secret Friend: The Arctic Tales: Book 1, written by Colleen Rein Klaus and illustrated by Jordan Kinzer is availalble on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
The Arctic Tales is a children’s book series based on themes of eternal truth-truths that endure from generation to generation, such as the power of forgiveness, the significance of true friendship, the portrayal of loyalty, and the cost of responsibility. These truths are embedded in each individual storybook. Each book’s adventure takes place in the beautiful state of Alaska, in a make-believe neighborhood called “The Arctic Forest.”
The Arctic Forest is home to a small community of delightful characters who share exciting adventures. Mr. Tugate, an Alaskan bushman, is the owner and master of an Alaskan Malamute dog team. Meeki, which means “little one,” is the main character in this book series, and the youngest member of the Malamute dog team. Other neighbors include the Moose family, the Bear family, the Arctic Fox family, the Eagle family, and the Shrew family. Outside of the neighborhood, in the mountainous wilderness of Alaska, the depraved Arctic wolf pack scavenge the land for innocent, unsuspecting victims to prey upon. Tiaga, the fierce, relentless leader of the wolf pack, is a well-known enemy of the Arctic Forest. This series was written and illustrated with elementary school-age children in mind.